Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nice pants!

Helen has worn pants maybe five times in the last three years.  She likes skirts.  She likes dresses.  She likes tutus.  She does not like pants.  So we were a little worried that Helen started school on a “P.E.” day, when she must wear pants, instead of on one of the three days a week she can wear a skirt.  As expected, Helen was upset when it was time to get dressed.  Natalie literally had to force the pants on her.  But boy was she cute once they were on!

I should probably write more about how the school day went, but I confess that my only motive for writing this entry before going to bed is to share these pictures.  I’m sure we’ll have more to say about school in future entries.  And there will be pictures of Max in his uniform too, after he starts school, tomorrow.  But for now, here's a glimpse of Helen's new look.  

(Yes, Natalie and I are having so much fun with the school uniforms that it feels a bit like we dragged our kids here just so we could play dress-up with them.)  -- Harrison

1 comment:

  1. Love the outfit! The triangle patch looks like a computer error. Have fun, Helen.
