Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Saving water

Water is scarce for half the year in Oaxaca.  The city is what Los Angeles would be like if they hadn't raided the Owens Valley water.  Our house has a well, but still we try to conserve.  This morning I asked Helen if she wanted to take a shower.  It was a rhetorical question, since she was going to take one no matter what.  Nevertheless, she answered "no."  Then she thought about it and added, "It's because we need to save water."  Smart kid.

Another Helen story.  Yesterday at the supermarket there was a yoghurt display where a couple of company reps were making balloon animals.  Helen and Max were with me.  Natalie was in a different part of the store.  I asked if we could have a balloon for Helen.  One of the reps told me in spanish that they were giving away balloons to people who buy the yoghurt.  Then she told me the yoghurt is full of vitamins and it helps kids grow.  Also in spanish.  I bought some yoghurt and got balloons for Max and Helen.

Then this morning I asked Helen if she wanted some yoghurt.  "You mean the kind that helps me grow?"  I asked how she knew that about the yoghurt.  She said it is what the woman said before giving us the balloons.  So even though Helen is not saying much yet, clearly she understands more spanish than she lets on.  It's very cool to see both of the kids picking up the language.  -Harrison

Harrison, Helen and Natalie walking down street (photo by Max)

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