Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby, you can drive my car

Something I saw yesterday that I wanted to share:  A man driving an SUV on a busy street with his daughter in the front seat.  The daughter looked Helen's age.  She was in the middle seat, halfway sitting on her father's lap.  I was waiting to cross the street when they made a sharp left turn in front of me.  As I saw them approaching, I thought about how lenient people are here about letting kids ride in front seats and without seat belts.  Then, as they sped past me, I realized that not only was she sitting in the front seat, the hands on the steering wheel were hers.  Her dad was letting her steer their way through rush hour traffic!  Or maybe it was an uncle.  Must have been an uncle.

This picture does not capture the traffic when I saw them, but it shows a typical scene at an intersection.  The blue scooter thing, the white car turning left, and the oncoming bus, all were driving at full speed when Natalie took this picture.  --Harrison

1 comment:

  1. I don't even see a traffic light!
    On another note, today I saw a man riding a Harley with TWO little chihuahuas on his lap.
