Thursday, June 2, 2011

Oaxacan rainbow (PURPLE)

Purple. What is there to say about the purple in Oaxaca? Normally, I am not a purple fan, not on clothes, not on cars, not on houses. There was a purple house I thought particularly awful at the corner of Pine and Ashby in Berkeley for many years in the 80's or 90's. But I now realize the house wasn't awful, it just needed a different setting. If your purple house is sitting next to a pink house, which in turn is next to a turquoise one there is a critical mass of bright colors. What looks ridiculous and garish in the Elmwood looks fantastic and appropriate in Reforma. I may be a newly minted purple convert.  If you see me driving a purple Prius or painting my house purple you will know for sure.  --Natalie

1 comment:

  1. I love purple in socks, shirts and shoes. I find it to be a real blues buster. I do agree, however, about that house on Pine and Ashby. Totally out of place on that street!

    In the early 70's, I had a pair of purple suede boots that I loved. I can't remember what happened to them, but all I had to do was put them on and my toes started to tap!
