Friday, April 1, 2011

Food protest

Today marks our three month anniversary in Oaxaca.  So far it has exceeded our expectations.  We have met wonderful people, seen incredible sights, learned so much.

The kids, especially, are thriving.  Natalie and I attribute this in part to our decision not to push them to do things they do not want to do.  For instance, when they announced last weekend that they are sick of the local food, Natalie and I went along with it.  According to Max, who is their spokesperson, they will eat only processed food that comes in packages, preferably from outside of Mexico.  No fresh food.

Max and Helen demonstrating their new diet.  Max is adamant they will stick to it.  Helen looks skeptical, but apparently big brother knows best.
Max's and Helen's decision to eat only packaged food will not stop us from enjoying the local delicacies -- in this case, quesadillas with tomatillo salsa and homemade cheese.
The new diet makes it easier to pack the kids' school lunches.
Do we mind?  Not as much as you might think.  Yes, it bothered us when Max locked me and Natalie out of the house for three hours because we did not buy the Twinkies we saw in the grocery store.  (I think he has heard too much about the teacher strikes in Oaxaca, which are a regular occurrence now that spring has arrived.)  But, to be honest, Natalie and I are a little sick of the kids.  There is something satisfying about seeing them do this to themselves.
"Gee kids, maybe next time you should let the water cool down before taking a bite."
As the food protest continues, we will keep you posted on its effects.  So far it has been five days.  I doubt it will last through the end of April.  --Harrison

1 comment:

  1. What a cool idea! Processed foods midway through the Mexican adventure! Even though the local food looks really, really yummy in these photos, I have often thought that Cheetos are one of nature's purest foods. I am wondering whether fresh strawberries are on the "no fly zone food" list as well? If so, that is too bad as they are tasting really great this month.

    Spring has finally arrived on Balfour and everyone is glad that it has stopped raining!
