Monday, May 30, 2011

Oaxacan rainbow (BLUE)

So it turns out I am not capable of a blog a day through a busy weekend with visitors. Harrison's parents were here.  I was so busy having fun I just could not think about the blues. But here, without further delay, a miniscule sampling of the Oaxacan blues. While you look, it might be better to play banda, mariachi or norteño than the blues. I personally like some popular Mexican music and recommend Ximena Sariñana and Cafe Tacuba.  --Natalie

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oaxacan rainbow (GREEN)

Don't want to be an American Idiot! Right sentiment, wrong Green Day. It's Oaxaca green day. In what often feels like a desert landscape there is actually a lot of green. Okay, so some of the green comes in the form of buildings painted acid green, but I'm cool with that. Frankly, I think we'd be a lot happier back home if everyone would just let their favorite colors hang out and more people painted their houses and buildings bright colors. Who can resist a smile when approached by an apple green moto taxi? Wouldn't school feel a little more cheery with bright green desks? A cactus fence? All ideas to be pondered.  --Natalie

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oaxacan rainbow (YELLOW)

Argh, a blog a day is a little intense. You think it's not a big deal and then at the end of Wednesday Harrison asks you, "did you do yellow?" -- Well here is yellow in some of its many Oaxacan forms. It is a little late so look fast because if you know your rainbow you know tomorrow will be a green day.  --Natalie

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oaxacan rainbow (ORANGE)

So you’ve probably guessed that I am trying to post a blog a day to pay homage to each color of the Oaxacan rainbow. Will I be able to keep it up until purple? Is biege/gray going to make an appearance? Honestly, I don’t know, but orange was easy. I think orange is one of the most delicious colors in Oaxaca. 

See you for yellow.  --Natalie